Search For Man With String Of Kendall Road Crimes

 In Local News

Shortly midnight early Sunday, Newberry County 9-1-1 received a report of an individual inside a closed store on Kendall Road. Upon arrival, deputies were informed that the individual had been chased into the woods near Bush River Road.

Deputies identified the suspect as Landon Major Howell. Video footage from the area revealed that Howell was armed with a hatchet and other tools.

Deputies deployed a police K-9 from SLED and aviation assets. An extensive search was conducted by SLED, Newberry City Police, and the Sheriff’s Office.

Perimeter officers spotted a person walking on the railroad tracks and made an approach, accompanied by aviation. The person fled upon challenge, entered a densely wooded area and was lost. Later, it was determined that Howell had entered an abandoned structure covered in brush and discarded some of his clothing.

The trail dissipated near the highway, leading officers to believe the suspect had been picked up.

Warrants have been obtained for Howell, described as a white male, 20, 5’11”, 220 pounds, with brown hair and brown eyes, of Newberry.

He is also suspected in a string of crimes along the Kendall Road corridor. He should be considered dangerous.

Anyone with any information on his whereabouts should call 803-321-2222.