School District Releases Statement On School Threats

 In Local News

The following statement was released from the Newberry County School District on Wednesday afternoon:


As many of you are already aware, there has been an increase in reported
threats to schools in our District and state. None of these threats have been
credible threats to the safety and security of our schools. We want to assure
you that the safety and well-being of our students and staff are our top
priorities and we continue to work closely with local law enforcement every

As parents, you can help the District, too. Please remind your children that if
they see or hear anything that concerns them, the best course of action is to
report it to a teacher, school administrator, or law enforcement. We will take
every threat seriously and will investigate with law enforcement to assess the
credibility of the threat. The consequences for making threats toward schools
are serious. Students will be disciplined according to our Code of Conduct
and potentially prosecuted by the law.

Thank you for your continued support of our schools and the District.