Dangerous Pursuit Leads To Arrest, Multiple Charges

 In Local News

Early Saturday morning deputies were called in reference to an eradicate driver that had struck several items alongside the road in an F 150 pick up. A deputy encountered the vehicle on the Old Whitmire Highway and attempted to stop the vehicle.

The driver chose to disregard the blue lights and sirens and continued on at high speed. With the deputy in pursuit, the driver chose to enter I-26 going East in the West lanes. Knowing the danger this would cause, a Deputy attempted to block the person with his vehicle, but was unsuccessful.

Deputies did not pursue the vehicle in the wrong direction but ran in the appropriate lane in an effort to warn oncoming traffic.

The fleeing driver ran I-26 the wrong direction until he got to the Little Mountain exit, turning toward Pomaria on SC Hwy 202.

Deputies used a tire deflating device successfully on the truck, however, it continued on the rims. A South Carolina Highway Patrol (SCHP) trooper then used a maneuver to get the vehicle off the road.

The driver was identified as Fredrick Glasgow of Mt. Pilgrim Church Road in Prosperity. He was taken into custody and charged with Failing to Stop for Law Enforcement, Driving Under Suspension, Driving Under the Influence, Habitual Offender, Resisting Arrest, Striking Fixtures along Roads, and Possession of Controlled Substances. The SCHP and the Sheriff’s Office levied the charges against Glasgow.

“This was a hugely dangerous situation when Glasgow decided and chose to drive on a high speed road in the wrong direction. I commend the Deputies and Highway Patrol in their extraordinary efforts to stop him and to warn oncoming traffic. He is an habitual offender and I hope he will be treated as such,” according to Sheriff Lee Foster.

Glasgow is in the Newberry County Detention Center awaiting full bonding.