Newberry City Council approved second reading of an ordinance Tuesday to amend the Fiscal Year 2019-2020 budget to provide for the levy of property taxes with the values of the City of Newberry tax reassessment and to reduce the established millage of 83.8 Mils to 80.7 Mils.
Motion was made by Councilman Zebbie Goudelock and seconded by Councilman Thomas Louis Boyd.
The reading was held following a public hearing where no one spoke in favor or against the ordinance.
Senn said every five years, Newberry County performs a countywide reassessment, with the Newberry County auditor determining the reassessment values for property taxes within the city. During this year’s reassessment, the county auditor determined the new value of a mil as $27,239, compared to the previous five years at a rate of $26,125. City Council has decided to rollback the city millage from 83.8 to 80.7. The change represents a 3.1 mil rollback in the city’s overall millage rate.